Grapplers of various sizes are used in alternative ways as their length and strength make it easier for people to pick up something while riding along in a tractor or utility truck. The most popular option is the 33-inch long Grappler, used by the vast majority of individuals who need a litter pick-up tool to remove trash along highways, in yards, at schools, etc. These options range from 2-8 feet long and can be used in a variety of situations. Not only are they longer, but they are also much stronger and have greater grabbing and reaching capabilities. We do offer a number of other standard-length pick-up tools that are longer than any of our competition. And they were so happy with the first one that they ordered 4 more! It was made for one purpose only and for one customer only. Because of its length, it is impossible to pick up anything with one hand in a horizontal position at any angle.Īrchimedes said, “If I had a lever long enough, I could move the earth.” While this is not that lever, it is certainly a long device. A whopping 16 feet long! The photo above shows Jay Theissens holding the Grappler in order to give you the proper scale to understand how long this Grappler really is! It is worth emphasizing that this Grappler is meant to be used only for moving items directly up or down.

After consulting with this company to understand exactly what was needed, we set out to produce the world’s longest grabber tool.